UFRAD is one of the most established franchising associations in the world.
UFRAD. one the most rooted franchising associations in the world, has gathered under its roof today more than 200 powerful companies with international status. UFRAD, the sole representative of the Frenchising System in Turkey with an annual commercial transction volume of $60 billion, ensures that the Franchise system is learned correctly in our country, that the basic rules are deetermined and implemented, that it finds its olace in the Turkish legal system and that the system is trusted, and contitutes information resources for the development of the system. Our association, wich supports these companies in establishing collaborations both in Turkey and in international platforms, has become the most important sharing center in legal, cultural and financial matters that Turkish companies nees in the world market.
In line with the developments it has created in the Turkish Franchising sector, UFRAD successfully continues its duties as an active member of the World Franchising Council (WFC) and a member of the European Franchising Federation (EFF). UFRAD is also a member of the Foreign Economic Relations Board-DEİK Founding Organization.
To be a leading non-governmental organization in Turkey that specializes in every field and uses the franchise system, gathers its brands under the roof of UFRAD, and pioneers the establishment of a federation that will include international non-governmental organizations.
Franchise System; It contributes to the correct learning in Turkey, its healthy development, the determination and implementation of basic rules, the clarification of its place in the Turkish Legal System, the protection of the rights of franchisee and granting institutions, and the creation of information resources necessary for the fulfillment of all these duties.